Who Are We?
We are Public Tag Agents in the state of Louisiana that have come together to form the LPTA.
The association is only made up of Public Tag Agents who are Authorized Service Providers of the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Office of Motor Vehicles that have the authority in the state of Louisiana to do the following:
- Collect the registration license taxes, as well as applicable sales and use taxes, and to issue registration certificates and license plates for vehicles.
- Receive and process applications filed for certificates of title, duplicate certificates of title, and corrected certificates of title.
- Perform additional transactions such as recording of liens, mortgages, or security interests against motor vehicles, conversions of plates, transfers of plates, replacements of lost or stolen plates and/or stickers, registration renewals, duplicate registrations, and other applications or transactions as authorized by the commissioner.

Affiliate Membership
We are now accepting applications for Affiliate Membership Legislative lobbying on behalf of our industry is only a part of what the LPTA is able to do.
We are now looking to add affiliate membership to empower our group to:
- Purchase equipment at group rates
- Purchase health insurance at group rates
- Lobby Baton Rouge Legislators on all legislation that affects our industry as well as our affiliates.